CBD Promotional Email

Summer is right around the corner. You still have time to stock up on CBD skin care products!

Do you need the strong protection of high SPF, but with gentle natural moisturizers to restore, hydrate, and protect your skin? The answer is CBD Product by Brand X. Click here.

Are you working towards an epic bronzed and beautiful tan, yet still want silky smooth skin? CBD Product by Brand Y has you covered. Now formulated for natural sun and the tanning booth. Click here.

CannaCopy has all the CBD products you need to help make this the best summer ever!

Check out what we have for you here.

This is where I link to a form so you can contact me to write sales copy.

Which CBD fibromyalgia patch should I choose?

Does CBD help fibromyalgia? Do CBD patches work? What should I expect?

When you’re dealing with chronic pain, it gets to the point where you just want it to stop.

You are always searching for the next thing you can try to help you feel better.

But you have to balance what you try with how it works for others, how much it costs, whether it can be harmful, your own personal stuff, etc.

CBD is the same.

You hear some fantastic claims for CBD. Sometimes they sound like tall tales.

Then you get on to a fibromyalgia forum talking about CBD oil. You start hearing from real people, not somebody trying to sell you something.

Well, sometimes they use ALL CAPS, like this one thread.

In it, this guy tells about how he found MAJOR relief from his pain by starting to take 25mg of CBD tincture twice a day.

He said it tasted horrible, but after 2 weeks using CBD he was sleeping much better. His flares still suck.

A little later a woman comes into the thread and she says she did not have luck with any cannabis product for her fibromyalgia.

You have these 2 results, how do you decide what to do?

In a case like this you think: CBD might help, CBD is reasonably safe, and it’s not very expensive. A 2 week supply of 50mg tincture runs about $10 bucks.

So I could spend the $10 bucks, and give the CBD a chance to help me feel better.

Some mainstream science and medicine sites say it can take as long as 3 months to get your CBD dosage correct to start enjoying the best relief possible.

So that is only $60 bucks, but now you’re talking about a 3 month long test where you are optimizing until you get it just right.

How much would you spend for a good night’s sleep when you are lying there wide awake at 3am, still looking at the ceiling?

Relief is the most important thing.

So now we come to medical claims, and what the CBD companies can tell you, and what they can’t.

They can tell you that their CBD products are healthy, free of pesticides, tested by a third party independent lab, etc.

They can tell you the quality of the hemp oil that they use, the purity, and the potency.

But they are forbidden by law to make any claims about how the product can help you!

So to answer the question: does CBD help fibromyalgia?

Some people make claims that they feel better, while others do not.

The CBD product manufacturers can’t make any claims, so you’ve got to test it for yourself.

If it works for you, that’s awesome.

If it doesn’t work at first, keep trying til you get your dosage right.

These CBD product manufacturers are reading these forums too. They are finding out what works best, and designing their products to help.

For example, there are now CBD fibromyalgia patches that come in various potencies, so you can dial in your dosage for 24 hours. You get the exact right amount you need, just by slapping on a patch.

They suggest you start with a low dosage, then adjust it until you feel the maximum benefit.

Once you find what works for you, these companies even offer subscription services, so you never run out when you need it.

So what should I expect when I try CBD oil for my fibromyalgia?

  1. Have realistic expectations. Some people claim CBD helps them feel better. You want to try CBD now to discover if it makes YOU feel better.
  2. Be patient. There is just as much of an art to healing with CBD as there is science. Getting your dosage just right is the most important element. Don’t give up when the relief you seek could be waiting for you with the next step you try.
  3. Be thankful for what relief you get from CBD. If it makes you feel even 10 percent better, then you feel better! That’s wonderful!

The next step is to find what works best for you. Get started here.

CBD copywriter services from CannaCopy. Click here now.

Don’t let anxiety drag you down.

Relieve the stress that keeps you from getting a good night’s sleep.

A friend of mine at work has difficulty sleeping most nights.

It’s making things rough for her during the day.

She is getting run down.

We were talking on break the other day about how bad it’s getting lately.

Now she lays in bed until late in the night (and early into the morning) worrying about not falling asleep.

It seems like sleep will never come.

She’s starting to get anxious and stress out about it, and that just makes things worse.

And when she finally passes out? She’s still not getting the rest she needs.

She wakes up throughout the night, and she doesn’t always fall back to sleep.

Her alarm goes off – much too soon.

She gets up and starts moving, even though wishes she could just stay in bed.

She barely got any sleep at all, but she has so many responsibilities and they need to be handled.

She drags herself out of bed and starts moving.

Once she gets to work she’s already worn out, and it’s hard for her to keep focused throughout the long day.

Nothing bad has happened yet because of her brain fog, but she is scared it could lead to big problems if she starts making mistakes.

After she finished telling her story we just sat there for a moment in silence.

I could feel her pain.

She is getting desperate, and she’s looking for help.

You have to be careful giving advice, but I tried.

I mentioned how I don’t have insomnia, but I can understand what she’s going through.

There are nights when I have trouble falling asleep. Other nights I might wake up and have trouble getting back to sleep.

I told her I keep a pouch of these CBD gummies with melatonin in my nightstand.

If I’m not resting well I’ll pop one or two in my mouth.

I find they help me relax, and it’s easier to drift off to sleep.

They’re natural, gentle, and sometimes the flavors are yummy.

I didn’t say that they would fix her insomnia, but I did suggest she get some and try them for herself.

For me, the nights I can’t sleep I’m usually spinning with worry.

I’m thinking about what happened today, or what’s going to happen tomorrow.

It just eats at you.

These gummies seem to take the edge off, without me feeling like I took a powerful sleeping pill.

I want to go to sleep, not get knocked out.

I hope they can help her. They can’t hurt.

If you are finding it difficult to fall asleep or to sleep well through the night, you should give these CBD gummies with melatonin a try.

You don’t need a prescription, they’re vegan, and they come in a variety of flavors and potency.

Check out the sampler pack, so you can find the right match for you.

Sometimes you have to keep poking at a sore spot to get somebody to do something about it. You’re not doing it to be mean, but because you want them to feel better. I write CBD sales copy so people will do what it takes to feel better.

Are hormones causing your sleep problems?

Insomnia can steal your life away. Here’s how to fight back.

Women have to deal with so much more stuff than men do.

An example? Women have more sleep problems than men.

Insomnia is not a disease, it’s a symptom.

When you can’t sleep it’s likely something else is wrong.

Anxiety is a big one.

With so much going on, from family, work, all your responsibilities, to global crisis and more….yikes.

But women have other reasons – ladies-only reasons.

Often we start having difficulty falling asleep and staying asleep because of hormonal imbalances.

Is there a single moment of your adult life your hormones won’t mess with?

Hormonal imbalances are bad enough in general, but simple sleep issues can snowball into severe health situations.

I’m not talking about just the awful things like the weight issues, the anxiety, or the depression.

If you don’t get your insomnia under control it can lead to thyroid disease, high blood pressure, and heart disease.

Now you are really in trouble.

Sleep is when your body heals and regenerates.

Every second of sleep you lose is another second your body is prevented from healing itself.

That adds up, fast.

Then your health really starts to suffer.

Do you understand now why I said insomnia can steal your life?

A single sleepless night can be your first step down a dark path.

Or, you can fight back.

Learn how women just like you are fighting back against life-robbing sleep disruption.

Control the factors causing your insomnia and take back your life.

La la la, la la la, la la la la la CBD copywriting.

Having trouble sleeping?

Don’t let insomnia send you down a sickness spiral.

It starts with a bad night’s sleep.

Once your sleep starts going south, so does your health.

As you rest your body kicks in to high gear to repair, restore, and rejuvenate.

You recover from the wear and tear of today, and wake up refreshed for tomorrow.

If you’re not sleeping, your body is missing out.

Do the math. Less sleep equals less time for your body to heal.

Right off the bat, your health starts to suffer.

At first you might notice you’re tired all the time.

You know how challenging it is to keep up your daily routine, even when you’re feeling good?

Now imagine trying to do it when you’re not getting enough rest.

After a while the fatigue grows until it feels like it’s crushing you.

But you have to keep going.

It’s likely you’ll start getting sick more often.

Since you aren’t sleeping, your body isn’t healing and repairing your immune system.

So you’re tired, and you’re sick.

You think things are bad already, but you’re just getting started.

Now is when things really start to spin out of control.

Like that old Hemingway quote…gradually…then suddenly.

Here’s a list of what insomnia can lead to:

  • Anxiety and depression: You’re feeling tired, and you’re feeling sick, but your responsibilities won’t wait. If you can’t keep up, how long until you start letting everyone down? Family, work, you name it.
  • Weight issues: Whether it is losing or gaining too much weight, you start developing eating disorders and weight issues and that’s going to make things even worse.
  • Disease: You increase the risk and severity of high blood pressure, heart disease, and thyroid disease. Now we’re talking about a serious threat to your health.

That is scary.

But this doesn’t have to happen to you.

You can fix your sleep issues – starting tonight.

We’ve made it easy to take the first step.

Simply click here now and help your body get the rest it needs.

Michael is a CBD copywriter who writes CBD content that persuades the reader to click a link. For example, if you need persuasive CBD copywriting, you will click here now.

Never suffer another sleepless night?

Sleep science predicts millions can benefit from this simple change to their nighttime routine. Will you be one of them?

Every night people just like you lie in bed staring at the ceiling, waiting for the sweet embrace of sleep.

But it is slow – slow – slow in coming. If it comes at all.

Do you lie there for hours, avoiding a peek at the clock?

You don’t really want to know how little time you have left until the alarm goes off.

It doesn’t have to be this way. You can get the rest your body wants and needs.

You don’t have to keep climbing out of bed while you’re still tired, never giving yourself a chance to heal.

That’s what happens when you sleep, you know? Your body heals.

Just a few examples:

  • Sleep triggers the release of the hormones your body needs for tissue growth in repairing your circulation system.
  • This is vital to helping wounds heal, and to restore and revitalize sore or damaged muscles.
  • The composition of your blood changes, flooding with powerful white blood cells that attack viruses and bacteria.
  • Your immune system bulks up so you can fight off colds and other infections.

When you don’t get enough sleep, well…you know.

Millions of folks will sleep well tonight.

They will be giving their bodies the down time it needs to refresh and recharge.

They will feel better in the morning.

Are you ready to join them?

Click here now to learn the latest.

This isn’t necessarily CBD content, but you could segue into a description of a sleep improvement routine that incorporates CBD products, like lotions, tinctures, or gummies. Let’s do it.

Should I still be afraid of cannabis?

They spent decades spewing propaganda. Now, learn the truth.

It is unbelievable the steps they’ll take to keep you from hearing good things about cannabis and CBD.

It wasn’t enough that they spent generations persecuting and prosecuting cannabis – they even banned medical research!

You can point and shriek ‘conspiracy’ all you like – but isn’t it curious just how many industries benefit from a prohibition on cannabis?

Even today, as a green wave of CBD and cannabis legalization sweeps the land, they still try to keep a lid on it.

The FDA forbids manufacturers of CBD products from even *making claims* about how you can benefit from using CBD.

Oh, they can rush out an untested vaccine and tell everybody they MUST take it, or else…

But this ingredient?

  • safe
  • natural
  • listed in the medical Pharmacopeia until 1942 (!)
  • extracted from a plant

Big Pharma…mumble….no patents…mumble…no profits….mumble…

“Well, hold on there a minute! We can’t allow anything like that.

No wonder people are starting to ignore these jokers and are looking for smarter alternatives.

Look, we’ve put together this short ebook explaining exactly how you can benefit from adding CBD to your life.

The manufacturers may be handcuffed, but we’re not.

We still have to be careful what we say, and how we say it, though. We don’t want their goons showing up at our front door.

Anyway, click here now to learn more about CBD, and how it can enhance your life. Finally hear the truth – no more propaganda.

I write CBD sales copy. Click here now to get some.

I thought his old lady was going to bodyslam him

On poker night he pushed her just a little too far…

My buddy Doug is a great guy, but he’s kind of a knothead.

The other night was our poker night, and this week it was at his house.

You know what was the other night, too?

When Doug’s wife Patsy started her ‘time of the month’.

Patsy doesn’t like us coming over in the first place, because we’re loud and she says we stink up the house.

I understand, but what is poker night without cigars? We open the windows!

So, she already isn’t happy we’re there, and now she has to deal with her period.

The first time Patsy came through the kitchen she shot daggers at Doug with her stare.

Doug is clueless about body language, apparently.

The next trip through she started coughing, exaggerating like she’s going to choke.

She might as well have been trying to tell Doug she was mad in Swahili for how well he picked up on her clues.

He just kept on dealing the cards, and trying (poorly) to retell this funny joke he heard at work.

I’ve seen this play out in my own house, so I knew where this was headed. But was I going to do anything about it?

Patsy came back down about 5 minutes til 10pm, and asked Doug if he would please wrap things up and let her get to sleep. She was real nice about it.

He didn’t even look at her this time, just waved over his shoulder. “We’ll be done in a little bit, honey.”

Her face turned beet red in an instant, and I knew at any second she could explode!

She started moving toward his back. Poor Doug, he wouldn’t even see it coming.

I stood up fast and put my hand on Patsy’s shoulder.

“Yep, now is as good as any a place to wrap up for the night.”

Doug looked at me, then looked at her.

When he saw my face, then her face, Doug finally realized something was up.

“Okay, Patsy.” I said. “We’ll hit the road. I just need to get something out of my truck for Doug.”

By the time I got back inside the other guys playing with us had skedaddled.

I handed Doug a bottle of CBD lotion.

“What’s this?” he asked.

I replied. “It’s this lotion I rub on after work to keep me moving. But tonight it’s going to keep you from getting your ass kicked.”

I told him to take the lotion and give his wife a massage tonight.

“Look dude, your wife feels crummy. A massage will help her feel better. The massage by itself will help, but rubbing in the CBD oil – that helps her relax.”

He looked down at the bottle.

“It has these natural pain relievers that work together with the massage.” I told him. “She’s going to love it.”

“How do you know about this?”

I laughed. “Man, you stay married as long as me and you learn all kinds of stuff.”

He told me he’d give it a try as I was heading out the door.

I was hoping he would. Heaven help him if he didn’t.

Good luck, Doug.

Doug breezed into the break room the next morning with a goofy grin on his face. He was all in one piece, no visible bandages or casts. That’s good.

He put the bottle of CBD lotion down on the table in front of me.

“Man, you were right.” he said. “It took her a minute to simmer down, but once I started to rub that lotion on her she was loving it, just like you said.”

After hearing this I walked around feeling like I had saved the day.

Not all superheroes wear capes.

When you click this link you can get unique CBD content.

CBD Follow-up Email

Hi Becky,

You ordered the CBD Product a little while ago.

Have you tried it yet? What do you think?

Does it do everything you want?

Do you have any questions or comments about the product?

Just reply to this email and let us know!

Also, if you have used the product, will you please leave a review and let others know your experience?

Reviews like yours help people find exactly what they are looking for.


(P.S. When you are ready to order this product again, remember to enter the promo code REFILL at the checkout for a special bonus!)

CBD Copywriting Services from CannaCopy

Why won’t they let you feel better?

Is the Federal Government conspiring with Big Pharma to keep you from learning the truth about this safe, natural, & effective healing product?

If you’re suffering from chronic pain like fibromyalgia, then you probably know:

  • Joint pain and swelling that can make even a gentle hug hurt.
  • Debilitating flare ups, driving your stress and anxiety higher, thrusting you into a vicious cycle of increasing pain.
  • Sleepless nights, staring at the ceiling, praying for some rest.
  • Fatigue, because you’re always hurting, you don’t get any sleep, and you never get the chance to recharge your batteries.

Yet you keep paying for those expensive prescriptions.

Did you know there’s people just like you who have rediscovered a forgotten remedy that helps them control their pain and live a better life?

This natural medicine used to be listed in the Pharmacopeia, (the official list of approved medical substances), until powerful interests made it disappear.

And now you don’t hear about it anymore.


It wouldn’t surprise me at all to hear how fatcat politicians and the bigwigs from DRUGS INC. sleep soundly on mounds of your money.

All the while, you can’t sleep at all!

What gives?

You might hear your friends talking over coffee, discussing this once valued natural medicine, and how it has helped them with a laundry list of ailments.

If it works so well you would think the airwaves would be jammed with ads and doctors on tv talk shows telling you the wonders of this amazing product.

Natural? Safe? Inexpensive? Effective?

People would be rushing to stock up.

But when you tune in to the mainstream media, what do you hear?


You never hear a word about it, because they won’t tell you all the benefits you can enjoy from this product. There’s no money in it for them.

They’re in on the scam. They want a cut of the money. They just call it ‘selling ads’. Seems like they spend more time selling drugs on tv nowadays than actual entertainment.

But it’s not only that.

This next part is hard to hear – if your heart isn’t made of stone:

The manufacturers are forbidden by law to tell you how much these products can help you!

I wish I was joking.

The problem is, there is so much profit in pushing pain pills.

The drug companies deny it, but the rumor persists that they spend more to MARKET a new drug than they do to research and develop it!

So they develop a drug that doesn’t cure your problem, then start running ads.

But hey! If you just keep buying their products forever, you might keep feeling a little bit better. Maybe.

Now they’ve got you locked in to their drug deal every month.

But these guys are wizards, so they’ve got another shady trick up their sleeve.

They take that big pile of profit (money they sucked out of your wallet!), and then turn around and hire a bunch of well-connected lawyers and Washington lobbyists to ‘persuade’ the politicians and the agencies to preserve their swindle.

I don’t have iron-clad proof, but you don’t have to be Sherlock Holmes to deduce that it is easier to hold your competition down when the government is helping you.

They don’t have the leverage to get these products banned completely – yet! – but they’ve got enough clout to make it so you don’t hear about them.

But now the PEOPLE are speaking out, and there’s nothing they can do to stop us. The genie is out of the bottle, and there’s no putting him back in.

So listen up. I bet you want to hear this!

We’ve put together this special report collecting the experiences of people with fibromyalgia who are starting to beat the pain their own way.

We’ve even prepared a simple checklist, so you can get started yourself. The next step is up to you.

If you want to hear the real stories and skip the government and corporate censors, click here now.

Hire me to write your CBD emails now, before I hit the big time.